Housing For All – How?

Palo Alto Community Fund invites you to the League of Women Voters led virtual event:  


A community conversation on housing in Palo Alto
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
7 to 8:30 pm on Zoom 

Housing continues to be a difficult and expensive topic in the Bay Area and especially in Palo Alto.  The League of Women Voters brings together community members and housing experts to learn about and discuss how Palo Alto can become a better, more affordable and more livable community for residents of a wide range of income levels, and in ways that meet what the state has set as housing goals to reduce overcrowding and greenhouse gas emissions. But how can we do this? We have been struggling with this challenge for years.

After hearing about community members who struggle with housing costs, we will discuss what we could do to increase our housing stock and help renters and future owners. We will also hear from housing experts who will describe what neighboring communities are doing to meet their housing targets.

Breakout group discussions will follow. There, participants will express their thoughts about the best ways forward.

Please join us for this lively discussion!

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Sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Palo Alto
Co-sponsored by the Leagues of Santa Clara County, Alta Housing, Palo Alto Forward, and the Palo Alto Community Fund

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