Who We Are


The Palo Alto Community Fund envisions a thriving, collaborative, just community committed to compassion, generosity and opportunity for all.


The Palo Alto Community Fund serves as a catalyst for positive change, and an enduring community resource to ensure a vibrant Palo Alto, East Palo Alto and Menlo Park. PACF raises and stewards funds from donors, and invests in the local nonprofit ecosystem, empowering our community as a whole.

  1. Trust-based Philanthropy: We trust the nonprofit community to effectively fulfill their individual and collective missions and create positive change.
  2. Collaboration: We value the power of collaborative giving to amplify the impact of donors and collaborative work between nonprofit organizations and other community stakeholders for optimal impact.
  3. Equity: We commit to the health and equity of our region, and will continue to work to ensure that everyone can participate fully in determining the future of our local and wider communities.
  4. Local Needs & Knowledge: We seek to understand the interrelated needs, opportunities and context of our nonprofit ecosystem so that we can support our whole community.
  5. Perpetuity: We value the role of philanthropy in meeting the needs and challenges of our community. We steward our endowment to ensure that it benefits present and future generations.
  6. Responsibility and Accountability: We conduct our activities professionally, ethically, responsibly and transparently.