Investing in the future. Responding to the moment. Closing the gaps.
You matter! When you donate to PACF, you play an important part in building a stronger community, and we know that people who live in strong communities enjoy better physical and mental health, have access to more opportunities, and experience greater safety, security, and sense of belonging. People who live in strong communities also have deeper connections and lead more meaningful, joyful lives.
Thank you for being the kind of person who chooses to give where you live, for investing in our collective well being through the Palo Alto Community Fund. Your donation will help us reach our goal of raising $1.75 million this year.

Through our impact grants, we partner with local nonprofits on innovative, long-term solutions to address systemic issues. In 2023, we awarded impact grants of $300,000 to support affordable housing, economic mobility and environmental justice.
Responding to the Moment

“It was the Palo Alto Community Fund who first showed up in the muddy streets in the wake of the New Year’s flood. PACF serves as a microphone to amplify the voices on the ground. This is a relationship; there is no objective other than caring and empowering the community.” — Antonio Lopez, Vice Mayor, East Palo Alto.
Closing the Gaps

A donation to PACF supports the wide-ranging nonprofits that deliver essential services and programs to help the most vulnerable in Palo Alto, East Palo Alto and Menlo Park. Last year, hundreds of donations resulted in 90 grants to 84 nonprofits, totaling $1.725 Million.
Closing the Gaps

While it can sometimes feel overwhelming to know how to respond to large, global problems, we DO know giving locally has an immediate, positive impact on those who need it most in our neighborhoods.
2022-2023 Impact Report
See the full list of nonprofits that PACF supported last year in our 2022–2023 Impact Report. Learn more about the three impact grants awarded to organizations that are transforming the way our community addresses housing security, environmental justice, and economic mobility