A Message from PACF Leadership

A year of partnership, impact, and change

In FY 2024, PACF received an extraordinary gift from William (Bill) Reller, a Board Emeriti member and long-time community leader. Bill’s innovative contribution is the largest PACF has ever received.

In 2024, we invested over $1.7M with 72 local nonprofits to elevate the quality of life for every resident in Palo Alto, East Palo Alto, and Menlo Park. Together, we strengthened organizations tackling our region's affordable housing crisis, enhanced mental health resources for youth, and provided crucial support to help those with the least access to resources, from educational initiatives to essential after-school and community programs.

The collective community impact we are making would not be possible without the PACF family—our nonprofit partners and committed supporters. The generosity of PACF supporters has been instrumental in driving meaningful change, creating a more livable, vibrant, and strong community for all. Thank you for joining us on this journey to make a lasting, positive impact.

We would also like to extend our thanks to PACF's outgoing Board President, Sigrid Pinsky, and PACF's outgoing Executive Director, Lisa Van Dusen. Their contributions these past several years have been invaluable in shaping the vision and impact of PACF.

Inspired by the resilience of our nonprofit partners and the commitment of PACF supporters, we look forward to continuing to collaborate with you to elevate the quality of life for all in our communities.

With gratitude for your continued support and belief,


Susan Fields Bailey
Board President


Irene Wong

“AbilityPath is thrilled to be creating a state-of-the-art campus that will serve as an inclusive, multi-purpose space for our community where people of all abilities are fully accepted, respected, and included. PACF has been an incredible partner in realizing this vision and has given us the general operating support needed to continue fostering inclusion for families throughout the Bay Area.”
Bryan Neider, CEO, AbilityPath

Our Impact

PACF and Our Donors Do More Together

Thanks to your support, in FY 2024 PACF granted
local nonprofits in 2024

Your investment is helping to support the most vulnerable in our community and improve the lives of everyone in Palo Alto, East Palo Alto, and Menlo Park.

In 2024, together we invested in:

Helping Children and Youth Thrive

Supporting Mental Mental Health and Wellness

Addressing Food Insecurity and Affordable Housing

Strengthening Local Communities
Embracing the Arts and Our Environment

Grants funded a diverse range of areas to ensure that our community thrives across all sectors. Grants also delivered flexible support, addressed urgent issues, and provided multi-year continuity. 

Please review the full list of the organizations your donation supported in 2024.

Investing in Our Community

Larger Grants Address Three Critical Issues

This year, three $100,000 Dave Mitchell Impact Grants are accelerating progress on pressing issues and providing support for strategic opportunities identified by PACF. These timely grants funded local solutions in youth mental health, affordable housing, and special needs areas. With PACF support, recipients are helping to shape a stronger future for our local communities.


Tackling our Youth Mental Health Crisis

 My Digital TAT2: $100,000 grant

My Digital TAT2 is an innovative, youth-informed, data-driven approach to support 3rd-12th graders in navigating the online world. My Digital TAT2 partners with schools and healthcare providers to educate children and teenagers about ethical online behavior and to help adults better understand the effects of the online world on youth. Their work aims to prevent mental health crises and mitigate negative emotions and ideations.

Producing and Preserving Sustainable Housing

Habitat for Humanity Greater San Francisco: $100,000 grant

Habitat for Humanity Greater San Francisco works in East Palo Alto, Belle Haven, and Menlo Park, building new homes for low-income residents. They also help residents to remain in their current homes by providing major repair services, and proactively partnering with other nonprofits in our community to deliver vital housing work.


Empowering People with Developmental Disabilities

AbilityPath: $100,000 grant

AbilityPath provides lifelong support for children, adults, and seniors with developmental disabilities and their families. Our grant acknowledges AbilityPath's dedication to fostering inclusion by creating a campus that integrates classrooms, community event spaces, a commercial kitchen, and a pioneering art studio and gallery.

Meeting the Moment

Responding to Emergencies and Immediate Needs

PACF’s knowledge of emerging needs, combined with our strong ties to the community, allows us to be strategic with our investments and act quickly to support our neighbors in times of crisis. In FY 2024, we demonstrated our nimbleness by awarding two Cammie Vail Executive Director Grants. These unsolicited, timely grants address urgent challenges and empower local partners who are ready to act with effective, community-based solutions.

The first grant was awarded to WeHope to repair kitchen flood damage that disrupted food services for those experiencing homelessness. The second supported MOVE Mountain View, an organization working with the City of Palo Alto and Stanford University to assist the displaced recreational vehicle community on El Camino Real following Caltrans' bike lane paving. Through these actions, PACF remains committed to supporting partners who are delivering real solutions to meet pressing needs in our community.


*Photos Courtesy of WeHope and Move Mountain View

Welcome to the PACF Family

Six First-Time Grantees

At PACF, we believe that innovation thrives in our local nonprofit community, just as it does in the world-renowned tech hub that is our backyard. We are excited to introduce a group of first-time grantees who are tackling important community challenges, many with fresh, entrepreneurial approaches. From affordable housing to youth mental health, these organizations represent the vibrant diversity of our area’s efforts to build a stronger, more connected community. Each is making an important impact, and several represent the future of community-driven change.

Onyxx Village Connection is working to address food insecurity through creative nutrition programs, while both the East Palo Alto Council of Tenants Education Fund and Menlo Together are tackling affordable housing solutions. My Digital TAT2 is transforming our understanding of the impacts of online technology on youth and families, and the Palo Alto Transportation Management Association is improving transportation options for our region. In a time of rapid change, the Museum of American Heritage is helping us stay connected to the rich history of our community, reminding us of the foundations we stand on as we continue to build the future.

We invite you to discover these organizations through the website links provided above, many of which may be new to you


*Photos Courtesy of Onyxx Village Connection and My Digital Tattoo

Our 2024 Grantees

In FY 2024, PACF awarded 72 grants, including 29 multi-year grants, building on the 26 multi-year recipients from FY 2023. These multi-year grants provide nonprofits with the stability needed for long-term planning while reducing fundraising costs, allowing them to focus on delivering local solutions and fulfilling their vital role in our community. In line with our trust-based philanthropy philosophy, all of our grants provide general operating support because we believe organizations know best where to direct their resources for greatest impact.

William Reller Impact Fund

Forward-Thinking Philanthropy for a Brighter Tomorrow


In FY 2024, PACF received an extraordinary gift from William (Bill) Reller, a Board Emeriti member and long-time community leader. Bill’s contribution, a combination of an in-kind gift and cash, exemplifies an innovative and impactful approach to philanthropy.

Bill gifted PACF a membership interest in Legacy Venture X, LLC, a venture capital fund of funds that not only seeks financial returns but also aims to generate positive community impact through its investments. This in-kind donation was paired with a cash gift to cover future capital commitments, ensuring that PACF can maximize the benefits of the investment in the coming years.

Together, these contributions established the William Reller Impact Fund, a quasi-endowment that will support PACF’s long-term mission, providing flexibility to address emerging community needs, fund high-impact initiatives, and support operational growth. Bill’s gift reflects his deep connection to the community and his forward-thinking approach to philanthropy, leveraging venture capital returns to fuel charitable efforts.

Together, these contributions established the William Reller Impact Fund, a quasi-endowment that will support PACF’s long-term mission, providing flexibility to address emerging community needs, fund high-impact initiatives, and support operational growth. Bill’s gift reflects his deep connection to the community and his forward-thinking approach to philanthropy, leveraging venture capital returns to fuel charitable efforts.

Bill’s vision serves as a model for other donors to think creatively about using their financial assets for lasting community impact. We are deeply grateful to Bill for his generosity, creativity, and, above all, his enduring commitment to ensuring our community continues to thrive.

Thank you, Bill.

PACF Endowment

PACF thoughtfully stewards a permanent endowment to ensure that we can benefit both present and future generations. In FY 2024, the endowment was valued at over $10 million, serving as a vital resource for the long-term sustainability of our mission.

The endowment, combined with the funds raised through our annual campaign, creates a connected approach to funding our work. In FY 2024, the annual campaign fueled the efforts of our grantees, while the endowment provided additional resources and also ensured we could continue supporting our mission into the future. This blended funding strategy allows us to maintain a steady flow of support—meeting immediate needs while securing our ability to impact future generations.

PACF’s endowment is professionally managed by an external advisory firm.

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“Effective change results from having boots on the ground, listening to diverse community voices, and trusting grantees to know how best to help those they serve. It has been an honor to work with our nonprofit community and generous donors to invest in and support the entire nonprofit ecosystem to create a vibrant community for all."
Lisa Van Dusen, former Executive Director

FY 2024 Special Thanks

As FY 2024 comes to a close, we extend our special thanks to our outgoing Board President, Sigrid Pinsky, and Executive Director, Lisa Van Dusen. Sigrid served as Board President for the past two years, capping off her nine-year tenure as a PACF Board Member. Lisa led PACF as its Executive Director for four years. Both were instrumental in deepening PACF’s impact and driving its remarkable growth during their time with the organization. 


Sigrid’s leadership was marked by her commitment to governance, mentorship, and community connections, shaping PACF’s strategic direction. She played a key role in our leadership transition, ensuring PACF's future success. Her grace, compassion, and dedication left a lasting impression on all who worked with her.


Lisa joined PACF during the pandemic, ensuring quick, effective support for those most affected. Her efforts strengthened ties across sectors, building partnerships with grantees, local governments, and other nonprofits. Lisa’s work elevated PACF’s profile and expanded our reach, further positioning us as a trusted community partner. We are deeply grateful for her dedication, passion, and leadership.

Thank you, Sigrid and Lisa.